Demand Management Transparency, Hospital Doctors in South Sulawesi strike

JurnalFakta. Dozens of doctors at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Salewangang, Maros, South Sulawesi held a service strike. They protested the performance of the hospital management which was deemed not transparent, starting from the flow of BPJS distribution to the alleged misappropriation of BPJS funds.

"We have tried many times to communicate with management, but indeed there has never been a good response. We actually don't want to be like this," said action coordinator Dr. Syahruni Syahrul on Monday.

Although this action was carried out by most doctors, the service was still being carried out. Only consultation services at the Polyclinic were totally paralyzed because all specialist doctors participated in the action.

"All services continue, except for the Polyclinic. We will take this action until there is clarity from the management," he continued.

In addition to the lack of health facilities and infrastructure, management has also not been transparent in terms of data recapitulated patients related to the payment status of both pending and unpaid. This affects the patient data if the room is entered incorrectly until the record is lost.

"It is difficult for us to get a recap of data on patients who have been served. Regarding the payment status. Traffic in the coding process, claims and verification of BPJS until the flow of claim funds is also very chaotic," he explained.

Until now, strikes carried out by doctors continue. They are waiting for the clarity of the Hospital which is planned to be summoned by the Maros DPRD today.


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